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Motherhood and Writing
I have officially been a mom now for eleven years. (Yikes!) It has been the best and hardest thing I've ever done. Through it all I have...

6 Months In - A Study of Women Writers
Six months ago, at the beginning of 2018, I had a HUGE appetite for books. I couldn't quit adding them to my Amazon cart and I'd sniff... Article : Let's Get Real, Every Day Should Be A Mother's Day.
Visit the direct link here to read my latest published piece at This was so fun to write and the ideas started flowing as soon as...

3 Months In - A Study of Women Writers
January with Jane Austen. February with Brené Brown. March with the Brontë Sisters. The last three months have been filled with...

Five More Questions With Dana
Five more questions asked by a writer friend to shine a little more light on who I am. *If you could ask the entire world one question,...

My Walk Through Jane Austen's World
If you follow me on Instagram you're probably sick of me posting about my trip to Jane Austen's House Museum in England last fall. Well,...

January STUDY - Jane Austen
Drum roll.... January's study will be JANE AUSTEN. My heroine. Like any book-lover with a heart I have always loved Jane's work - I'm a...

A Study of Women Writers
As 2017 came to a close, I was depressed when I thought of my TBR list not really changing. Oops! Reading had sadly taken the back burner....

Vulnerable Creativity
Oh creativity - You clever little minx, you. Living a creative life has always been something that made me feel whole. That being said,...

Five Questions With Dana
Do you have a favorite band or musician based off of lyrics? -Based off of lyrics only, I'd have to say Trevor Hall. Right now in my...
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