Five More Questions With Dana

Five more questions asked by a writer friend to shine a little more light on who I am.
*If you could ask the entire world one question, what would it be?
- What makes you the happiest?
*What is your most challenging writing experience so far?
-Publishing! Hearing "No thanks" around every corner is such a hard thing. It can really get you down and kill your creative vibe. That being said, I learned so much about myself as a writer when I finally got up the guts to self publish New City and I wouldn't trade that for any book deal. I am forever swimming through the waters of query letters and pitches and hope that I'll find the right agent soon. I've learned to keep working, keep writing in the meantime.
*What is your most rewarding writing experience so far?
-Feeling like I can finally claim the "writer" title that I was so secretive about for years. Even after I had two poetry books under my belt it felt like a hobby, something just for me to enjoy. I finally believe that the title fits me and that I'm worthy of it. This was a big deal for me!
*What do you wish you could change about your writing/creative life?
- Having more time to do it!
*What is your favorite inspirational quote?
-I am a sucker for a good quote! Currently I would have to say my favorite for inspirational value is: "Dreams don't work unless you do." I've written a lot about this one and truly believe that it changed my life and how I spend my free time. There's a fine balance for me with writing - treating it too much like work kills the flow sometimes. But if I show up enough I can get to the sweet spot and work just enough I finally see those dreams become my reality.
Thanks to Ashlee Lyman for the interview questions.